Christian Formation

It is ongoing, because God has always something to teach us.
It is Christian, because Jesus Christ is our Teacher.
It is formation, because each of us is a work-in-progress.

Forming our children as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Providing a consistent atmosphere and complimentary experience at home and in the parish where our children live out their full potential as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Children & Families  |  Teen Christian Formation  |  Adult Christian Formation  | REGISTRATION 

Five Pillars of the Christian Formation Program

These pillars serve to provide us and our children with a well-rounded experience of discipleship in Christ.

1. Sacraments. Christian life begins with our encounter with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. These encounters happen uniquely in the celebration of the sacraments, where we not only encounter God, we also receive divine life. Of the sacraments, our active participation in the Eucharist serves as the source and summit of our Christian life.

2. Community. God calls us to be His one family, the Church. We journey together, and help each other on our pilgrim way to heaven. Let us inspire each other in our parish to grow in holiness.

3. Catechesis. Jesus left us his words to ponder, and the life of the Church to live by. In Jesus, we have the good teacher and master about God and Christian living.

4. Service. Love like Jesus; serve like Jesus. As our Teacher was attentive and responsive to those in need so too are we to our brothers and sisters in need, in Victor and Farmington, and beyond.

5. Stewardship. God has gifted us with time, talent, and treasure. We need to recognize our God-given gifts, and put them to use in service of God and neighbor.

Useful links:

2024/25 CF Calendar
Prayers for Families
The Role of Parents
The State of Catholic Parenting (video)
St. Patrick’s Livestream & YouTube