Children & Families

Programs  |  Programs & Costs  | VBSRegistration Form | 2024/25 Calendar | Online Payment


Parent-led Catechesis

Replacing the classroom model of formation, Parent-led Catechesis (PLC) is a two-part process. First, parents meet once per month on SUNDAYS from 3-4:45 pm or TUESDAYS from 6-7:45 pm where they learn the material and then teach students at home. During the parent session, students attend a fun review here at Church. Second, in addition to that formation, families attend the Family Gathering / Large Group once a month. This includes family activities to participate in together. For families with children grades 1-7. Registration deadline is Friday, August 23, 2024.

Parent-led Catechesis Expectations and FAQs (PDF)
Christian Formation Calendar 2024/25

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (3-6 y/o)

Grounded in an understanding and appreciation of the child’s engagement with Scripture and Liturgy, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) offers a gentle way to honor the genuine spiritual life of children ages 3-6 through Montessori methodology. The level I program lays the foundation for the child’s encounter with the Catholic community of faith. Get more information
2024/25 Session:

  • Thursdays 3-4:30 pm || November 2024 - June 2025
  • A minimum of 4 students per session is required to offer session.
  • Enrolling students must be fully potty-trained (no diapers or pull-ups).

Vacation Bible School - July 21-25, 2025

Rallying the children to come alive in their faith, Vacation Bible School combines song (we nurture everyone’s God-given gift of music), storytelling, bible stories, exploration, saints, and so much more to connect children to each other and the world around them. Preschool through 5th grade students are welcome to participate. learn more

Many volunteers are needed to bring VBS alive! Age minimum for volunteers - completion of 6th grade. All volunteers must complete CASE Training.  Anyone age 18 or older must also successfully pass a background check.


Christian Formation Family Programs


Course Date and Time Cost
Parent-led Catechesis, Sunday Session Sunday from 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm $100 per first child, $50 each additional child with family cap of $200
Parent-led Catechesis, Tuesday Session Tuesday from 6 pm to 7:45 pm $100 per first child, $50 each additional child with family cap of $200
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Thursdays 3-4:30 pm || November 2024-June 2025 $100 per child
Vacation Bible School (PreK-5th grade) July 21-25, 2025 || 9 am-12 pm $40 per child
Youth Ministry (Grades 6-12 only) TBD -
Confirmation Preparation (Baptismal Certificate Required) One Sunday and One Tuesday per month $100 per child
Confirmation Preparation for Catholic School Student (Baptismal Certificate Required) One Sunday and One Tuesday per month as designated $100 per child

Program Registration

Christian Formation Registration
Registration deadline for the 2024/25 Christian Formation program is Friday, August 23, 2024.
Church Life
Please carefully read Parent-led Catechesis Expectations and FAQs (PDF).
By checking the box and/or by continuing to register, you indicate that you agree with the Expectations. Thank you.
Is at least one of the adults a registered parishioner at St. Patrick's Church?
If you belong to a different parish, please request permission to take your education with us. Here is a LINK to a sample letter.
Family Life
Mother's Name
Mother's Name
Father's Name
Father's Name
Emergency Contact (other than Parent or Guardian)
Emergency Contact's Name
Emergency Contact's Name
Child #1 Name
Child #1 Name
Child #2 Name
Child #2 Name
Child #3 Name
Child #3 Name
Child #4 Name
Child #4 Name
Child #5 Name
Child #5 Name
Child #6 Name
Child #6 Name
Photography Consent
Would you like us to contact you about volunteer opportunities?
Baptism Certificate (required for each child enrolling in Christian Formation for the first time)

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