
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is now open!
Please fill out the registration form followed by your non-refundable registration fee ($175.00 per family).
Your registration payment can be made using this secure ONLINE PAYMENT link or in person during school hours with a check or cash.

PreK Registration

PreK Registration

Child to Enroll
Child's Gender
Mother (or Guardian)
Mother's Name
Mother's Name
Check if same as above
Father (or Guardian)
Father's Name
Father's Name
Check if same as above

Emergency Contact (other than Parent or Guardian)

Emergency Contact's Name
Emergency Contact's Name
In order to help us to best meet the needs of your child, please answer the following questions. Check the box if the answer is YES.
Please include a few words on activity level, demeanor, anticipated separation issues, etc.
Please include a few words on activity level, demeanor, anticipated separation issues, etc.
Please share any additional information you'd like us to know.
While at St. Patrick's Preschool, your child may be photographed for brochures, parish website, social media. WE DO NOT IDENTIFY THE CHILD BY NAME.
I accept terms and conditions

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

St. Patrick’s Preschool fosters spiritual and educational growth, enabling students to achieve success through human, spiritual, intellectual, social, and emotional development in a safe and supportive child-centered program.

We have 3-year-old Preschool, offering three options: two day (Tues/Thurs mornings) or three day (Mon/Wed/Fri mornings) per week. Or choose both for five mornings a week.

We also have a five day 4/5-year-old Preschool, offering Mon-Fri mornings.  This options is ideal for the 5-year-old not attending kindergarten.

All curriculum is guided by both NYS guidelines and Diocese of Rochester Preschool curriculum.

Enrolling students must be of age by December 1 of enrollment year.  Students must also be fully potty-trained (no diapers or pull-ups and must indicate the need to use the bathroom).

Enrolled students must supply a copy of the Birth Certificate as well as a copy of the most recent immunization form from your doctor. New York State Law Section 2164 requires certain immunizations (shots) to enter Pre-kindergarten and attend school. See section 3.03 of our Preschool Handbook (pdf)Please check with your health care provider as soon as possible to make sure that your child has all the needed immunizations. Your health care provider can fax these forms to our office at 585-742-3296. We can also accept a photo of the form and Birth Certificate emailed to us at .

4/5’s RED TEAM 8:45 am to 11:15 am
3’s GREEN TEAM 9:00 am to 11:30 am
3’s YELLOW TEAM 9:10 am to 11:40 am
4/5’s BLUE TEAM 9:20 am to 11:50 am

September 5 & 6, 2024 are both "Meet & Greet" days for the 3s classes. This is the opportunity to drop in and see your classroom.
Your assigned "Meet and Greet" day and time will be included in your placement letter.
Thursday, September 5 will be a "Meet & Greet" day for the 4/5s.
Friday, September 6 will be a full morning/full class for the 4/5s.
Monday, September 9 will be the first full morning for the 3s Monday/Wednesday/Friday and
Tuesday, September 10 will be the first full morning for 3s Tuesday/Thursday.

This school year calendar includes all holidays & days off.
Download the calendar HERE (pdf)


Nonrefundable - $175 per family, due with registration form.

2025-2026 Preschool Tuition
3-Year Old Programs

Two Day - $1880 or $188/month

Three Day - $2500 or $250/month

4/5-Year Old Programs

Five Day - $3500 or $350/month