Thank, God, It’s Friday! 😁

Dear parishioners,

A good and sunny Friday morning to you all!

Let me begin with this beautiful Eucharistic Story – “And in that moment, I remember thinking to myself, ‘There is no way that they’re going to distribute the Eucharist to everyone here. There’s no possible way.’ I thought maybe they would give it to the people in the front, or the people who needed it most. Because, of course, my way of thinking was: ‘This isn’t that important — we don’t all need this.’” Read more.

Thank you for holding your gatherings this past week in our parish: Marriage Encounter Reunion, Rosary Group, Catholic Men’s Conference, New Beginnings, and Christ Life. Thank you for building the community of disciples.

This weekend, we start our reflection on Bishop Barron’s “What’s Our Church’s Growth Strategy?” Take the time to watch the video.

2022-23 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). 237 households have raised 61% of our obligation. You may donate online. New and additional contributions will help us make our goal. I truly appreciate your help.

The Sunday Worship Aid.

For this Week’s Parish Bulletin.

See you in Church, People of God!

– Father Edison